资 源 简 介
本程序主要可以对一个c语言程序中的括号和注释情况进行检查,可以快速地发现原程序 * 中隐含的语法匹配性错误,可以根据检查结果,对不匹配的括号进行修改,最快速度地将 * 程序修改正确。同时本程序也可以象wc程序一样对一个程序进行计数统计,得到一个文件 * 的行、单词、字节的统计结果。-this procedure can be a major c language program brackets and the inspection of the Notes can be found quickly to the original* implied matching syntax errors, according to test results that do not match the brackets revised to be the fastest speed* revising the procedures correctly. While this procedure may also wc procedure as a process of counting statistics, to be a document* lines, words, byte of the data.