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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C# > 1)订票。若该航次余票数大于等于乘客订票数,则在该航次的乘客表(按乘客姓氏字母顺序连接)中,插入订票乘客的信息项,并修改该航次有关数据,否则,给出相应的提示信息...


资 源 简 介

1)订票。若该航次余票数大于等于乘客订票数,则在该航次的乘客表(按乘客姓氏字母顺序连接)中,插入订票乘客的信息项,并修改该航次有关数据,否则,给出相应的提示信息。 (2)退票。若该航次当前退票数小于等于乘客原订票数,则在相应的乘客表中找到该乘客项,修改该航次及乘客表中有关数据。当由于退票,使得该乘客的订票数为零时,要从乘客表中撤消该乘客项;否则,给出相应的提示信息。 -1) booking. If the voyage more than the number of votes greater than or equal to the number of passengers booking, the passenger in the voyage List (in alphabetical order by surname of passengers to connect), the insertion of passengers booking information items, and modify the data of the voyage, otherwise, given the corresponding message. (2) refund. If the voyage is less than the number of the current refund the original number of votes equal to the passengers, the passengers in the corresponding table to find the passenger, the changes to the voyage and the passengers on the data table. When as a result of a refund, making the passenger booking the number of zero, the table to withdraw from the passengers of the passenger Otherwise, the corresponding message.

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