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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Matlab > 脑电(EEG)是一种反映大脑活动的生物电信号,由于它具有很高的时变敏感性,在采集时极易受到外界的干扰。如眼球运动、眨眼、心电、肌电等都会给真实的脑电信号加入噪声...


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脑电(EEG)是一种反映大脑活动的生物电信号,由于它具有很高的时变敏感性,在采集时极易受到外界的干扰。如眼球运动、眨眼、心电、肌电等都会给真实的脑电信号加入噪声(伪迹)。这些噪声给脑电信号的分析处理带来了很大的困难。从剔除EEG中的各种伪迹到去除噪声的效果评估研究者们都提出了很多方法。本文提出matlab除各种脑电信号伪伪迹减法- As a kind of physiological signals, the Electroencephalogram(EEG)represents the electrical activity of the brain. Because of its higher time-vary sensitivity, EEG is susceptible to many artifacts, such as eye-movements, blinks, cardiac signals, muscle noise. These noises in recording Electroencephalogram(EEG)pose a major embarrassment for EEG interpretation and disposal. A number of methods have been proposed to overcome this problem, ranging from the rejection of various artifacts to the effect estimate of removing artifacts.

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