资 源 简 介
Project has been moved to http://optml.github.io/ac-dc/
The source can be obtained here https://github.com/optml/ac-dc
Accelerated Coordinate Descent methods for minimizing Composite functions
a library of serial, parallel and distributed coordinate and block coordinate descent methods
written in C++, CUDA and MATLAB
C++ implementation consists of serial and parallel solvers
Contains Examples for
Truss Topology Design (TTD)
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Sparse Group Lasso (SGL)
Matrix Completion (MC)
Read more in our Wiki.
Speedup of Parallel Implementation
The parallel implementation is written in CUDA as is intended to run on GPUs.
We get speed-up of up to 120x for 3D Truss Topology Design problem as compared to the fast (C++) serial implementation.
Speedup of Ser