资 源 简 介
The QiwiB program package
QiwiB is a program written in GNU Octave (an open source Matlab clone) to solve the many-particle Schroedinger equation in one dimension. At the moment, it simulates the full quantum many-body physics of ultracold bosons. For this, it uses the MCTDHB approach given in the following reference:
O. E. Alon, A. I. Streltsov, and L. S. Cederbaum, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033613 (2008) (link).
QiwiB is developed by members of the CTCP group at Massey University Auckland (link).
QiwiB is written in Octave and C++. Included in the QiwiB package is a comprehensive HTML manual. See the Wiki pages for more information about QiwiB as well as installation instructions.
Packaged snapshots of the code, that are considered as stable, can be found in the "Downloads tab", whereas the current development of Qi