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MATLAB Pointer Library provides an implemetation of pointers and data structures in MATLAB
The idea of the library is taken from DSATX - The Data Structures & Algorithms Toolbox (Yaron Keren). Unfortunately, DSTAX supplies certain mex-functions as dll-files and does not contain the source C code. The mentioned dll-files are supplied only for early versions of MATLAB (not for MATLAB 7.0). We implement pointer objects that support all possibilities of DSTAX pointers and some other possibilities. Almost all functions are written in C. Source code is included. On the other hand, DSATX also supplies a lot of m-files that implement some algorithms on data structures (lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, avl, and red-black trees) whith using DSATX pointers. You can use these m-files jointly with our implementaions of pointers.
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