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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > demovibes是流媒体音乐网站系统(网络广播)和社区周围


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News 05. jun 2011 Moving development to https://gitorious.org/demovibes 09-28-2009 Created this project page to hold the project from now on. As new news is available, it will be posted on this page. Added download link to stable version 0.8 of the software. About Demovibes is an all-in-one web radio streaming system built on a Python/Django framework. It was created as part of the Nectarine Demoscene Revival project. This project is part of the Demovibes Collective. Simplified list of features Allows multiple users to request songs, which are then played in order of request. Supports streaming to Icecast servers using Ices0, so one or more relays can be configured easily. Standard web portal features, including Profiles, Forums, Oneliner Chat, Private Messaging, Avatars, Notifications etc. Music relate

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