资 源 简 介
**getdos** is a python code to generation phonon density of states (DOS) from time-of-flight neutron scattering data through mulitphonon correction.
It was originally written by Max Kresch and incorporated as a part of the Data Reduction for Chopper Spectrometers (DrChops) package, which, in turn, was part of the DANSE project.
The purpose of this project is:
* To maintain **getdos** as an independent package while keeping the compatibility with DrChops. This will facilitate using it with other reduction codes.
* To modify the code to be compatible with all major platforms (Linux-like, Windows, and OS X).
* To improve additional functionality (background adjusting, partial-Q analysis, and etc) on multiphonon correction.
* To provide the capacity of batch processing by using Jiao Lin"s script.
* To fix bugs and improve exception handling.