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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 一个简单的,轻量级的,跨平台的Ti 83 / 84 +(SE)斧开发IDE

一个简单的,轻量级的,跨平台的Ti 83 / 84 +(SE)斧开发IDE

资 源 简 介

About Croquette is a lightweight, open-source, cross-platform IDE for Axe Parser and TI-Basic for TI-83/84+/SE calculators written in Python. Croquette can open .8xp or .txt files, edit them, and freely convert files between either format. Currently, functionality is at a minimum, but more features will be added in the future. Croquette also comes with a command-line interface for quickly converting single or multiple .8xp files into text files, or vice versa. Croquette can fully convert any version of Axe up to 1.0.2. Please see the wiki or the documentation in the repository ("docs/axe_tokens.txt" or "docs/basic_tokens.txt") for full details on which tokens are replaced with which string. Downloading and running You can download the latest stable version here: http://code.google.com/p/croquette/downloads/list Be sure to download the correct version for your operating system. Croquette is compatible wit

文 件 列 表

Croquette v1.0
Drag Over Me.bat

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