资 源 简 介
A set of extensions to the open-source SCons build tool (www.scons.org)
What is the Software Construction Toolkit?
* A toolkit for building applications.
* Open-source, so you can use it for building open-source products.
* Based on the open-source SCons build tool.
* Written in python; easily extended by writing tool modules.
* Documented.
* Tested.
* Your friend!
A sample of features:
* Build Windows, Linux, Mac desktop platforms with a single set of build files.
* Support for parallel (multi-processor) builds on all platforms.
* Support for distributed builds via distcc and Incredibuild.
* Generate Visual Studio solution and project files.
Why is the only tool in the toolkit a hammer?
* If you have a hammer, what other tools do you need?
* Once you start using it, everything looks like a nail - it"s flexible enough you want to use it for all your build needs.
* Getting hammered is just as much fun for project builds as it is for de