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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 构建,模拟和修改确定有限自动机。


资 源 简 介

python-automata is a well-documented Python library for working with DFAs, including the following features: Basics simulate DFA execution input-by-input or over an iterable sequence validate a DFA"s definition delta is a function, not a transition table check if the DFA"s language is finite Unary operations negation classical minimization DFCA minimization Binary operations generalized cross-product construction, including DFA union, intersection, and symmetric difference Constructing automata Make a randomly connected automaton of any size Make an automaton recognizing a given list of words And more... Python 3 patch thanks to Kai Ruemmler: http://pastebin.com/RSHihyKL Contact the author: andrewbadr @ gmail You should use the SVN version, not the download

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