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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 这个项目允许您备份您的服务器,包括数据库、重要目录和配置文件


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Project Description "Linux-server-backup" project helps you backup the following items of your Linux server: 1. mysql database - script "mysql-bk.py" bakups all the databases in mysqlDB. It creates one sql file for each database, for example, if your mysqlDB contains three databases: "db1", "db2" and "db3", then three sql files will be created: "db1-timestamp.sql", "db2-timestamp.sql", "db3-timestamp.sql". user home directories - script "homeDir-bk.py" backups all the directories in /home. It creates one tar.gz for each folder in /home. You can set directory exclusion list (right now you can only do this in the script, but I will make it more user friendly). Note You need at least some fundamental knowledge of Linux and Python in order to change settings and run the backup scripts. You will need python3 to run the

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