资 源 简 介
17 August 2008 Version 0.8.2 now available Grab it on the Downloads page. See the ChangeLog for more details about what is new.
tribalwars is a Python library for Tribal Wars, a browser-based game set in the Middle Ages. Provided are various classes and methods that help automate various tasks using world (i.e. server) data provided by Tribal Wars.
Example tasks include:
* generating a member list for a specific tribe
* generating village information for all villages owned by a specific player
* figuring out in which continental quadrant a player is strongest (i.e. split a tribe into platoons)
* saving all this information to an Excel file
* and more
Requirements: Python 2.4 or greater (haven"t tried it on 3.x yet). You can download Python 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报