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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 添加一个面板gedit WebKit轻松显示正在编辑的HTML文件。

添加一个面板gedit WebKit轻松显示正在编辑的HTML文件。

资 源 简 介

Add Webkit in a panel of gedit to easily display the html file being edited. A mini python server can be run to display your dynamic pages. Html5, Css3 supported. The native webkit debugging tool (like firebug) is also present. You can also use it as a browser, change the start page to add your favorite links. Ctrl + Alt + R to load the gedit document (shortcut changed to ini.cfg). Right click in the web view to access all the options. The server will be launched in the loaded file folder. CGI directories: /cgi-bin, /htbin, /perl or /python A plugin system is in place, it allows you to add pre-parser display or anything else. By default, a syntax translator of code-google wiki is present. Ajouter Webkit dans un panel de gedit pour afficher facilement le fichier html en cours d"édition. Un mini serveur python peut être lancé pour afficher vos pages dynamiques. Html5, Css3 supportés. L"outil natif webkit de dé

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