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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > 简单的脚本来测试Apache范围标头DOS(cve-2011-3192)


资 源 简 介

Intrinsec Apache Range Header DOS Testing Summary This script can be used to test an host (IP or hostname) or a range of IP against the Apache Range Header DOS (CVE-2011-3192). Detection method is the same used by the tool released on Full Disclosure. Only one test is performed per service specified. Dependancies PythonPython-iptools (apt-get install python-pip && pip install iptools) Usage user$ ./Intrinsec-DOS-Apache-Range-Header-Tester.py -v -H wwww.mylan.local -p 80,443 ## Links ## * http://securite.intrinsec.com/2011/08/26/cve-2011-3192-tester-la-sensibilite-au-deni-de-service-apache/ * http://www.intrinsec.com * http://securite.intrinsec.com * Twitter : @infsec

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