资 源 简 介
The main function of the code is called "process_all.m". If the whole content of the zip-file was extracted, starting this m-file should start the code on the sample image that is provided with the code, running both our method and Tian et al."s method, which both need no additional configuration.
In order to test more images, they just need to be added to the folder "./Results/Images/", according to the naming scheme "img_XYZ_vis.png" and "img_XYZ_nir.png" for the visible and NIR image respectively. At the same time, the ground truth mask needs to be put in the folder "./Results/Ground_Truth/", otherwise the evaluation will fail.
Guo et al."s method requires some additional configurations, and we guide the interested reader to their readme file that is found in "./guo_paired_regions/README.txt".