资 源 简 介
Thomson Password Reminder, coded by Buterrip, under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE-Version 3, 29 June 2007, you can find the license in LICENSE.txt
This isn"t a program to hack wireless networks, is to recover yourself router password.
Please don"t use it for bad proposes.
How to use:
If you use windows:
Install Python
Install PyCairo
Install PyGObject
Install PyGTK
Install GTK+ for Windows Runtime Environment
If you use Linux Distribution it will come already installed
You can found it here:
Extract all the files (icon.png, dic.lst, thomsonremind.pyw, READ-ME.txt, LICENSE.txt) to a folder, where you want.
Now, you need to run thomsonremind.pyw to install, it will open a new window when instalation finishes.
Open thomsonremind.pyw again to run the program
Now you can use it.