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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > PopCap Games Framework Version 1.3 Changes General * Removed support...

PopCap Games Framework Version 1.3 Changes General * Removed support...

  • 资源大小:8.32 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Windows开发

资 源 简 介

popcapframework1.3版,这是著名的PopCap游戏公司,不知道的话,祖玛应该知道吧,这些游戏都是用这个框架开发的,现在PopCap将它开源了!-PopCap Games Framework Version 1.3 Changes General * Removed support for Visual Studio/Visual C++ 6. If you use these versions, you will need to update your project files manually. o Note: you can download Visual Studio 2005 Express edition for free from Microsoft (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/) * PAKfile support- See docs/Pak Resource File Support.doc * Added support for wide displays and for windowed emulation of wide displays. * Some wide string/localization related changes to strings/chars: Use the WideString.vcproj projects for widestring support * Added support to draw anti-aliased lines/polygons. * Cached WAV files are "encrypted" (weakly) to prevent the easy copying of sound resources. * All demos were made to be widestring compatible and we added corresponding widestring projects. std::string has been replaced with SexyString, c

文 件 列 表

Framework 1.21 Changes.txt
Framework 1.22 Changes.txt
Framework 1.30 Changes.txt
j2k-codec Notes.txt
Other Licenses.txt
PopCap Framework License.txt
Font Building.doc
Framework Open Source Wstring.doc
Framework Version 1.2 Usage Notes.doc
Pak Resource File Support.doc
Using PopCap Resource Manifests.doc
Vista Support.doc

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