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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 商店的CD或DVD文件列表和搜索文件在多个CD可能不需要为光盘插入媒体


资 源 简 介

You can use this program as a CD manager for archiving and searching list of files on your personal backups and ... . It needs a lot of modifications to do the job nicely, for now it is a huge memory consumer and has no flexibility for systems with multiple CD/DVD drivers. Adding support for multiple CD/DVD drivers, allowing to index files located on hard drives, allowing storage of thumbnails for pictures and videos and even preview of multimedia files, adding special support for audio, VCD and DVD multimedia discs and ... are features which may be included if anyone has interest on using or developing such an application. You can download its source (MS Visual C++ 6.0 compatible) and binary from http://www.box.net/public/e5lbxv0yt2 . More information about this program can be found at: http://www.mohammadi.netfirms.com/english/programs/index.html (English), http://www.mohammadi.netfirms.com/farsi/barname-ha/index.html (Persian), http://www.gozir.com/1385/02/15/cdsnapshot/ (Persian

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