资 源 简 介
Internal name: VISUNS
This Project contains 3D models for: inverted pendulum, acrobot, pendubot, Furuta ́s pendulum, which are some of the most typical underactuated nonlinear systems examples used. The most important characteristics of Pendu-LAB are:
- 3D visualization and stereoscopic images support.
- Pendulum-like mechanical systems for the modeling of nonlinear control laws.
- Dynamics control algorithms embedded into the software.
- Equation editor to write control law equations.
Pendu-LAB has been coded using Pyhton, C++ and makes use of libraries as: VTK, Newmat. This software has been developed by:
Freddy Naranjo (Supervisor)
Juan Camilo Acosta,
Antonio Matta,
Julian Colorado,
At the Robotics and Automation Group in the Universidad Javeriana-Cali.