资 源 简 介
C++ JSON class with support for:
* strict and loose mode
* variant data type
* simple API
* depends on STL only.
JSONVALUE is a simple C++ class for parsing JSON string to C++ object, and creating a C++ representation of JSON string.
Both ANSI and UNICODE strings are supported for parsing and stringification.
JSON C++ value, object and array can be created and added and retrieved using simple assignment operator (=) and object assignment operator ([]).
JSON string parsing support strict parsing as well as loose parsing via additional flags passed to Parse() function.
In loose parsing, user can opt to:
* allow unquote name
* allow white space control character
* allow single quote
In loose stringification, user can opt to:
* create unquote name
* create name with single quote
* pretty print output with TAB character or SPACE character
* output date as locale date
In strict mode