资 源 简 介
Old Specs: http://0x10c.com/doc/dcpu-16.txt
New Specs: http://dcpu.com/highnerd/dcpu16.txt
This is my assembler. I noticed allot of people building some fairly basic assemblers with no expression parsing or even macros so this is mine that includes that.
Right now I support .BYTE/.WORD lists. An .ORIGIN and full expressions with Boolean operations. It outputs a debug list file and an Intel Hex file. Its still in the air on how this cpu will support what kind of rom formats so I figure Intel hex is a no brainier.
Use bison to rebuild the grammar files, but it "should" compile as is. I am fairly proud I did this all in ANSI C, but probably going to switch to C++ if just for the STL.
NOTE: Right now the source is set from the previous cpu design. I am in the process of updating it.