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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 本系列的目的是建立一个类,允许任何C #程序员…

本系列的目的是建立一个类,允许任何C #程序员…

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The purpose of the series will be to build a class that allows any C# programmer access to common, and not so common, image processing functionality. The reason we are doing it in C# is simply that I want to learn it, but the functionality we use is available through GDI+ in C++, and indeed the code to do the same thing using a DIBSECTION is not terribly different. This first article will focus on per pixel filters, in other words, filters that apply the same algorithm to each pixel in place with no regard for the values in any other pixels. You will see as we progress that the code becomes somewhat more complex when we start moving pixels or changing values based on calculations that take into account surrounding pixel values.

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