资 源 简 介
Gel2DE is an application for performing pixel-by-pixel correlation analysis on a set of gel images from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and a set of clinical parameters for a population. The application is written in C++, and has been tested on Windows, although it in principle should compile cross platform using CMake.
Download and install
To download a binary version of the software together with a user manual, click the "Downloads" tab above and download the latest .zip file (only available for Windows)
Getting started
To get started with the application, run the gelcorrelation.exe from the downloaded .zip file. To open the bundled test dataset, go to the "File" -> "Open" and open exampledataproject.xml. This should load the synthetic dataset. Use the two middle sliders to adjust contrast and brightness in the gel images. Select a parameter (for instance "Age") and press Calculate cor