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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > skyscraper-ps


资 源 简 介

Skyscraper puzzle solver A program that can solve any general size Skyscraper puzzle. The code is written in C++ and is open source. The program can generate all possible puzzles up to storage space on the computer. A graphical user interface allows the user to create their own puzzle or use pre-created puzzles. The program also generates all of the possible combinations within each row. Downloads: Featured: Skyscraper-ps-gui-1.6.msi : Windows installer for GUI version 1.6. New features added are displaying all possible rows and columns when double clicking side constraints and the mouse scroll wheel is now used to change numbers in the puzzle. Deprecated: Skyscraper-ps-gui-1.5.msi : Windows installer with graphical user interface Deprecated: skyscraper-ps-1.4.msi : Windows installer for command line tool Deprecated: sky

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