资 源 简 介
Teapot-Viewer 0.9a
The Teapot-Viewer is a fast and extendable 3D-Model Viewer for Linux and Windows.
The GUI base on wxWidgets.
The core/scenegraph is written in C++ using common design pattens (graph,visitor).
STL and boost are the only required dependencies. For rendering there s an graphics API independent renderer interface. Currently there is a basic Direct3D 9 and a OpenGL 1.4 renderer implementation.
The Direct3D 9 renderer runs a simple shader, supporting bumpmapping, reflectiontexture and alphatextures.
The OpenGL renderer uses the fixed pipeline, the textures are loaded with devIL (http://openil.sourceforge.net).
The SceneIO Module, provides an internal OBJ laoder/writer. Additionally there is a simple plugin interface. It is possible to load Models from zip files. Reading zip files base on the Minizip library (http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html).
Currently there are several loader plugins, all bas