资 源 简 介
oglpp, a shortcut for (O)pen(GL) (P)lus (P)lus, provides several libraries to facilitate OpenGL development.
The library displayDriverConnector provides the needed cross-platform API to access display driver informations and functionalities.
The goal of the gle, a shortcut for Open(GL) (E)xtension library, is to provide all OpenGL extensions to C/C++ OpenGL developers.
gle detect, at run-time, whether OpenGL extensions are supported or not by the driver. gle initialize them and provide entry points to be able to use it easily.
glo is a small library to encapsulate OpenGL object (like display list, texture and so on) into easy to use classes.
glContext is a library providing the needed cross-platform API to add OpenGL capabilities to any user interface toolkits (gtk/gtkmm, wxWidgets, qt and so on).
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