资 源 简 介
This is BGI driver for 256 colors modes on OAK VGA (OTI-067 and probably OTI-077
are supported):
* 320x200x256
* 640x480x256
* 800x600x256
* 1024x768x256 (1M only)
320x20x256 mode should work on any VGA compatible card and is a lot faster then
the vga256 BGI driver which I also made available.
I wrote this driver in the first half of nineties for:
* Borland C++ 2.0
* Borland C++ 3.1
* Borland Pascal 7.0.
Tools required to build the driver:
* Turbo Assembler 2.51 (newer version may work)
* Borland MAKE 3.5
The makefile as provided will work for TASM 2.51.
To build version 2 BGI driver simply issue "make" in the directory with all
The version 2 BGI driver will work with Borland C++ 2.0 and 3.1 and real mode
Borland/Turbo Pascal 7.0. It probably will works with Turbo C 2.0,
Turbo C++ 1.0, Turbo Pascal 5.5 and Turbo Pascal 6.0.
To build version 3 BGI driver issue "make -DBGI30" in the directory with all
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