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Moved to GitHub
ROV-Suite has been moved to GitHub. Please visit http://github.com/rovsuite/ for updates to the project.
Thanks for stopping by!
Chris Konstad
P.S. Version 3.0 is just about to be released (as of 8/26/2013). You can get development updates at my blog at http://chrisstechblog.blogspot.com. Thanks!
This software suite is currently a work in progress. The end goal is to have two control systems: a control system that uses Arduinos for both the topside and the bottomside controllers and a control system that uses an Arduino on-board the ROV with a cross-platform (Qt and C++) control application for the topside.
The code available in the "Downloads" tab often lags behind the the code in the "Source" tab. For the latest software and bug fixes, always get the code from the "Source" tab (this especially applies to the Arduino firmware)!
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