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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C# > piskvorky是游戏叫Tic Tac Toe捷克词语。这个井字脚趾实施旨在切实显示和点解释极大极小算法及其变化。

piskvorky是游戏叫Tic Tac Toe捷克词语。这个井字脚趾实施旨在切实显示和点解释极大极小算法及其变化。

资 源 简 介

Pis-kvor-ky Huh, what is it? Piskvorky is Czech word for game called tic-tac-toe. So as you expect this is implementation of tic-tac-toe game. But it is not ordinary tic-tac-toe, isn"t it? This tic-tac-toe implementation aims to practically show and little bit explain minimax algorithm and it"s variations. Features One of the features that is not in every ordinary tic-tac-toe implementations is that this one allows user to see results of each algoritm run in detail and in "study" mode, user is allowed to change game as he/she wants in order to study algorithm behaviour in different situations. And studying of code? The game is implemented in C# under .NET (release for MONO will be in contemplation). There is game core library, AIPlayers library and Gui written using Windows.Forms. So you can use core and gui libraries and try to implement your own AI players. Current state?

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