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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C# > proxy2socks是一个轻量级的HTTP代理服务器,可以通过Web连接的袜子


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proxy2socks is a HTTP Proxy server written in C# and heavily based/forked from the mentalis webproxy server. The proxy2socks server is developed in the .NET 2.0 Framework and tested under UNIX systems with mono. The server is licensed unter a BSD-3-Clause like license. The main purpose of proxy2socks is to allow the proxy server to connect via SOCKS4/5 to the outside world, bypassing any present firewalls. In addition, every single HTTP request can be modified via the HTTP Header/User-agent string to tell proxy2socks to use a specific socks server. This way, every HTTP client can specify its own socks server to use, even if the HTTP client has no support for SOCKS in any way. This enables many Applications (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer) to connect via a given SOCKS Server of the users choice, where usually the SOCKS server is hardcoded into the proxy config (as with privoxy or polipo).

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