资 源 简 介
Xiaonei is a SNS website for Chinese college students. Xiaonei Album is one of common ways for share photos among students. Xiaonei Album Downloader is a software, which can download the photos from the album of your online friends easily. The web address of Xiaonei is www.xiaonei.com. Its only language is Chinese, so this software only provides Chinese version. The software is developed by Visual C# of Visual Studio 2008.
校内网在中国大学生中流行的网络社区。校内相册是学生分享照片的渠道之一。校内相册下载器是一个可以方便地从好友相册中下载照片的软件。校内的网址是www.xiaonei.com。它仅有中文站,所以这个软件也只提供中文版。本软件使用Visual Studio 2008中的Visual C#开发。