资 源 简 介
### Wiki pages ###
* [HOWTO Install e-Puck(en)](howto_en.md)
* [HOWTO instalovat e-Puck(cz)](howto_cz.md)
* [The Elib library](Elib.md)
* [The TestElib application](TestElib.md)
# Epuck-lib project #
**Department**: Department of Software and Computer Science Education (KSVI),
**Supervisor**: RNDr. Frantisek Mraz, CSc.,
**Author**: Ondrej Platek,
The result of thesis is an C# object oriented _**Elib**_ library, which allows to control
e-Puck robot over the Bluetooth wireless technology. E-Puck is an educational robot with two differential motors and
it is sufficiently equipped with sensors.
_**Elib**_ library is presented on well documented examples from _**TestElib**_ application. _**TestElib**_ is a console application,
which is deployed together with _**Elib**_.
_**Elib**_ library offers a possibility of logging the sent commands and a control of e-Puck sensors and actuators.
Moreover, it offers a comfortable system of help and documentation.
Enclosed sets of tools allo