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I spent some time trying to determine how to read the iTunes meta atoms (moov.udta.meta.ilst) within mp4, m4a, m4v, m4p and other mpeg 4 files from Visual Basic.net this project is my ongoing solution.
This code is not pretty but it will demonstrate how to read all the iTunes metadata from your files, including multiple embedded cover art and the ever elusive video meta tags which tell iTunes if your program is a TV Show or Movie, what series, season and episode it may be.
The next version of this code will support writing changes to the tags made through the iTunesAtom class wrapper.
Hopefully this will help.
Note: This code currently relies on the MiscUtil.Conversion C# library released by Jon Skeet (http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/index.html) to speed my development time though I will be replacing his code with vb.net code in the near future... all the same, many thanks Jon.