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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C# > 很简单的计算器为.NET 2启用240x240像素显示的移动设备

很简单的计算器为.NET 2启用240x240像素显示的移动设备

资 源 简 介

I was not satisfied with built-in calculator in my Windows Mobile 5 device. Most of the calculators I found was not working well on small 240x240 pixels display. I also wanted to learn .NET programming (especially for mobile devices). So I decided to create this simple calculator. Projects is written in C#, targeting to .NET Compact Framework 2.0. As IDE I used Sharp Develop 2.2. Application runs on Windows mobile 5 or better. Here is a screenshot of application running in emulator: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_gFZyicc3Lj4/ScqJhcRjiaI/AAAAAAAADnw/YftUPGC0CnE/calk.PNG If you wanna try this application, go to Download section for download.