资 源 简 介
Tiny (650 lines of code, 4 source files) quick and dirty template engine based on the Apache Velocity syntax, but has less functionality: supports only if and foreach. it is extremely embeddable: it can even run from a GWT client code.
Things you can do with tiny-velocity:
Generate html files from a template
Generate source code of almost any kind
Generate e-mails and system automated messages.
### Things you cannot do with it ###
Resolve complicated expressions and do calculations inside the template
Invoke java static methods, load custom classes, run scripts, hack and blow up your system...
Include other templates inside a template (will be added in the near future)
Make coffe
How to use
In this example we use a model class like the following:
public class MyModel{ public int number = 5; public String name = "Joe"; public Str