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  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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资 源 简 介

The IMS Project for Android T-Mobile USA and Movial are releasing this IMS source code to the Android developer community to provide the opportunity to leverage our best practices. This code has been deployed with T-Mobile’s WiFi Calling feature on the Samsung Galaxy S II, HTC Amaze 4G, myTouch and myTouch Q. We welcome the contribution and discussion of the Android community. Solution Design Principles The IMS Stack and IMS API have been designed to provide the community with a tool that allows development of IMS applications. JSR 281 and JSR 325 were the starting point for the API design. In order to be suitable for Android development some functionality was omitted and some new functionality was defined. The stack API is separated into packages hosting core services, messaging, presence, xdm and media. All these are in their own logical java packages. Internally the JSR-API is running in its own process. The communication between the JSR-A

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