资 源 简 介
OSSBuild ("oh-ess-ess build") provides a build system that is compatible with the autotools and MS Visual Studio build environments. It is mainly to support GStreamer and its plugins for Windows (XP/Vista/7) and Linux environments.
We provide Windows builds of common open source libraries such as libpng, libjpeg, libxml2, glib, etc. They"re updated as new stable versions are released and as long as they maintain compatibility with other libraries that depend on them. If you need updated, stable Windows libraries, we encourage you to checkout (as in "svn co") the repository: http://code.google.com/p/ossbuild/source/browse/trunk#trunk/Shared/Build/Windows/Win32/.
Current work is focused on updating to the latest GStreamer releases and providing Java webstart packages. The latest release is available in the downloads section and once the Java packages are ready, a release will be made available for download. Harnessing GStreamer in your Java applicat