资 源 简 介
Development of a simple Lisp interpreter for Android OS.
To date, some basic functionality is implemented, allowing lisp code to be run.
Java functions can be invoked via the :invoke primitive, and java objects can be created via the :new primitive.
For example, the following pops up a new web browser:
(:invoke activity "setContentView" (:new "android.webkit.WebView" activity))
Java strings, booleans and integers are automatically commuted to/from their relevant lisp types, for example:
(:invoke "hello world" "length")
will return an integer result of 11.
A minimal but usable lisp dialect is supported, including:
lambda, define, if, cons, car, cdr, some arithmetic operators (+,-,/,*,=,<,>), let (lexically scoped), lexical closures, set,