资 源 简 介
Opennessie is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal based on JetSpeed1 Turbine and other opensource project.
Opennessie using Java,XML and jdbc compliant database.
A portal makes network resources (applications, databases and so forth) available to end-users.
The user can access the portal via a web browser, smartphone, pager or any other device.
Opennessie acts as the central hub where information from multiple sources are made available in an easy to use manner.
The data presented via Opennessie is independent of content type.
Opennessie helps you build portal applications quickly
Si avvisano gli utenti che i codici sorgenti relativi al software Opennessie, resi disponibili nella presente pagina con licenza open source, sono i codici sorgenti del software proprietario della società Eterbit S.r.l. denominato "Content-o". Il loro in