资 源 简 介
Silkybox v1.0
- The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone for Mootools 1.2 beta 2
by Shen Zhenyu (http://www.tuchong.com) - MIT-style license.
Inspired by the original Slimbox v1.41 by Christophe Beyls
Inspired by the original Lightbox v2 by Lokesh Dhakar.
Provide a independent Overlay class, which can be reused as "Implements" in other class
Provide a method called "addAnchor" which can add anchors dynamicly in ajax.
Designed for mootools 1.2 b2
Tested on IE 6/7, Firefox 1.3+. I have no way to test it on Safari or Opera, but I believed that it"s ok.
Extremely lightweight, only 6.7KB before compressed.
I"m so sorry that the demo page is in Chinese. Please use UTF-8 to browse it.
Javascript code:
var lightbox = new Lightbox($$("a.lightbox"));