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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > Maven的螺杆机组javscript单元测试集成


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Maven integration for Screw-Unit This plugin executes one or more Screw-Unit (http://github.com/nkallen/screw-unit) test suites in the test phase of a maven build. It uses env.js and Rhino to create a simulated browser environment within maven, executes screw-unit test suites. It then analyses the results and spools off the results in JUnit xml format for proper integration into the maven test lifecycle. The goal of the project is to facilitate continuous integration of JavaScript testing in Maven projects. Documentation This plugin is designed to be as lightweight as possible, so its usage is pretty simple. You should start by setting up some Screw-Unit tests for your Javascript files that run in a browser. Once your tests are working, you can integrate them into your maven build by adding the javascript-test-maven-plugin to your maven pom file like this:

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