资 源 简 介
this plugin is a eclipse builder for properties file, it is developed for java/web developing, especially for web developing.
it will duplicate properties files from source folder to binary folder, and convert non-ascii characters in them to unicode-ascii encoding.
install: just copy jar file to plugins folder of eclipse(or dropins folder of Eclipse Ganymede release).
有什么不方便或错误的地方,请填写Issue或者给我发邮件: joneepenk@gmail.com.
写个插件的原因,是开发的时候,wtp/myeclipse会自动发布到application server,但不会对i18n的properties资源文件进行处理.
1.用ant调用native2ascii.exe或native2ascii task把文件转换后再部署到application server下。缺点:有点慢而且有点麻烦.
2.用过PropertiesEditor编辑i18n的插件,可以自动把unicode保存为ascii编码. 缺点:一是对编辑器有依赖,二是不方便版本比较和合并.