资 源 简 介
automation, batch scheduling, testing and reporting tool
System requirements: Java 6 platform (all other libs included in jar) or Java 7
run simple jobs/commands (no concurrency/parallelism or piped commands) on win, linux, osx, solaris and z/os
set global values and use them in jobs
just drop schedule files into schedule folder, job server will take care
aliases (groups of settings, for different users/groups/connectors) which can be
transformed in well formed commandline set (POSIX like options (ie. tar -zxvf foo.tar.gz), GNU like long options (ie. du --human -readable --max-depth=1), Shell options
($property=value), Java like properties (ie. java -Djava.awt.headless=true -
Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true Foo), Robot-Framework properties (--variable
DB_HOST:dbservername --variable DATABASE_SID:some_SID) and DB url strings (TODO).
aliases primary role is