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Real-Time Component Framework
The Real-Time Component Framework (RTCF) is designed to make it easier to build modular Flash Media Server applications. Features include:
Broadcasting application.onXXXXX events.
Additional onXXXX events to facilitate authentication and authorization.
Role-based access controls for remote methods, shared objects, and streams.
Client-side proxy objects that represent server-side components.
Project Timeline
Project started: October 21, 2009
Early development phase: November, 2009.
First Milestone: November 2010 - used to build a proof of concept virtual studio.
Second Milestone: February 2011 - working virtual studio.
Flash Media Server (ver 3.5) provides a simple server-side scripting environment based on the SpiderMonkey JavaScript 1.5 interpreter and a relatively simple API. It ships with a version of th