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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 对于Spring框架是一个动态的DSL


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DynaSpring Spring without XML DynaSpring is a dynamic, extensible DSL (Domain Specific Language) tailored at building a Spring Application Context. Like Spring/XML, it is a declarative, tree-structured language; but, unlike XML, it supports all the kinds of abstractions found in common programming languages: conditional evaluation, iteration, definition of functions and variables, etc. On top of the core DSL, DynaSpring also offers a lightweight, Spring-based module system for Java, and a set of utilities that make working with Spring easier and build upon Spring to give you even more options in structuring your enterprise application. DynaSpring can be freely mixed with Spring/XML: you can import XML resources from DynaSpring resources and vice-versa. Why DynaSpring? Spring is a very

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