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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 露天的搜索标准API是一个简化的API检索Lucene Solr引擎节点在露天或无编码复杂,Lucene的查询

露天的搜索标准API是一个简化的API检索Lucene Solr引擎节点在露天或无编码复杂,Lucene的查询

资 源 简 介

Alfresco Search Criteria API is a simplified API for retrieving Alfresco nodes across Lucene or Solr engines without coding complex Lucene queries. The main objective is to prevent code Lucene queries that are error-prone and tedious. Instead we will work with java objects Criteria that will shape our queries. Based on the original design of the Hibernate Criteria API created by Gavin King. This API has been original created and designed to B2B2000 (http://www.b2b2000.com/), a great partner of Alfresco in Spain. Thanks to their generosity we could liberate to the community. Author: Antonio J Molina Gutierrez - http://www.ajmolina.com

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