资 源 简 介
This is a sample 1.5+ web application that demonstrates some of the popular java based web frameworks as simple as it can be (I think :) ).
Under the hood you can find,
JSF, Facelets MyFaces Orchestra Spring Hibernate (Search, Validator) Jboss Envers CXF, JAX-WS Joda Time (with Hibernate persistency support) Selenium Tests slf4j, logback
and also comin" up next: Reporting, Spring-security, CAS integration, ACL"s and etc. Check out the project from SVN at http://mesir.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/mesir.
There is a simple domain in the sample which, an AddressBook class has OneToMany relation on Contact class. There is a google group to talk about all these. Check it out at http://groups.google.com/group/mesir.
The name mesir comes from a compound mastic that has a history over 500 years. It contains 41 different sp