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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 项目运行数据基本Solr索引功能


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NOTE: This project has been migrated to https://github.com/redbox-mint/solr-geonames Overview This project has a pair of basic Java applications: * The first harvests the Geonames.org dataset into an embedded Solr index. * The second wraps the embedded Solr index in a basic Java Servlet. Documentation Given the amount of data indexed we don"t upload the indexed data to this project. So installing is a two step process: * Developer Installation: is required to build your index data (at least once), and you can use this to run a simple dev server. * Deploying using Jetty: is an example of deploying the resulting data and WAR file to an existing server. Some more background information/documentation: * Search Interface(s) available on a running system. * Relevancy Ranking built into the system... and how to cha

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