资 源 简 介
This project will contain code generation modules for NetBeans and Maven. Currently planned code generation modules are -
1. toString() Generator for NetBeans
1. Java Util Logger generator/user for NetBeans
1. Generate Logger along with initializer and log method
1. Add auto-log messages on certain places
* Add Logs on the first line of Methods
* Add Logs just before return statements
* Add logs just before throw statements
* Log exceptions in Catch block (Not started yet)
1. Convert all System.out.print(ln) to Logger messages
1. Add License Header (Not started yet)
1. xml-2-properties plugin 4 Maven
* This plugin will generate resource bundles in xml or properties format from a single xml file.
Once the NetBeans modules are completed they will be mavenizing them and at least 2 projects should generate from each one - mavenzed NB module and two - a maven plugin doing the same thing